Herzlich Willkommmen


Swingvester WestCoastSwing Event

Du findest mich im STAFF Bereich beim CheckIn

Freue mich sehr, Dir bei körperlichen Herausforderungen mit meiner CAM und manueller Massage zu helfen!

Deine Cornelia


Swingvester WestCoastSwing Event

You will find me in the STAFF area at the CheckIn

I am very happy to help you with your physical challenges with my CAM and manual massage!

Your Cornelia




Muskelbalance mit Spiraldynamik – Mobilisation

Muscle balance with spiral dynamics – mobilization

  • Füsse – Wade
  • Beine – Hüft
  • Hüft – unterer Rücken
  • Ganzer Rücken
  • Oberer Rücken – Nacken
  • Schulter – Arm


  • Feet – Calf
  • Legs – Hip
  • Hip – lower back
  • Whole back
  • Upper back – neck
  • Shoulder – Arm



We are on the road in 30 countries worldwide
I will gladly send you the right website

EMAIL  / +41 78 629 58 02


Energie - Tropfen

Nitro Extreme = Zaubertropfen

Nitro FX is a concentrated mixture of the juice
juice of the noni fruit, which has been prized for generations
and praised for its benefits for generations.
for its benefits. This small tree from the coffee family
coffee family thrives in the tropical regions of the
regions of the Pacific, from Southeast Asia to Australia.
Australia. The plant usually flowers near the sea
and bears fruit all year round. Both
Nitro FX and Nitro Xtreme contain Amare’s
Amare’s proprietary blend of noni fruit concentrate. Nitro Xtreme contains even more
noni fruit concentrate and other ingredients,
to help give your body an extra
give your body an extra boost

Wer bin ich?

Mein Name ist Cornelia Plüss und Bewegung und Tanz ist seit meines 7 Lebensjahr mein DING. Von HipHop, Salsa Ladystyle, Heelsdance bis Paartanzen in die höchsten Klassen wie Discoswing – Rock and Roll – 10 Tänze Latein & Standard sowie seit 2011 WestcoastSwing in den USA gelernt und in der eigenen Tanzschule unterrichtet – parallel dazu widme ich mich dem Konzept der Spiraldynamik und arbeite als Fachkraft Bodymechanik, Optimierung und Korrigieren von Fehlhaltungen, die verursachen, dass Tanzen nicht natürlich ausschaut – der Flow fehlt oder die Connection noch nicht funktioniert, dabei kann ich dir helfen, nachhaltig das in deinem System zu verändern!

Who am I?

My name is Cornelia Plüss and movement and dance has been my DING since I was 7 years old. From HipHop, Salsa Ladystyle, Heelsdance to couple dancing in the highest classes like Discoswing – Rock and Roll – 10 dances Latin & Standard as well as since 2011 WestcoastSwing learned in the USA and taught in my own dance school – parallel to this I dedicate myself to the concept of spiral dynamics and work as a specialist in body mechanics, optimization and correction of incorrect postures that cause dancing not to look natural – the flow is missing or the connection does not yet work, I can help you to change this in your system sustainably!

 Deep Air Relaxation Massage

Cornelia Plüss WhatsApp +41 78 629 58 02

15 Minuten 15 Euro || 30 Minuten 25 Euro

5×15 Minuten 50 Euro || 5×30 Minuten – 100 Euro

CAM applications – means compression air modification on legs, pelvis – back, arms and whole spine

Special Body Mechanics

Cornelia Plüss WhatsApp +41 78 629 58 02

30 Minuten für 1 – 2 persons

Special Event Price 45 Euro for private lession

Avoid back pain or big toe pain or Control dynamic controlled movements

FIR heated blanket

Cornelia Plüss WhatsApp +41 78 629 58 02

Use the natural power of far infrared with a threefold effect

Cool room, but still a warm bed increases the quality of sleep
Support the detoxification process in the body with far infrared
Reduce possible electrosmog in the sleeping area